BED BUG—these creepy crawlies that live in narrow spaces and feast upon human blood have been around for ages. However, they are not really known to infect people or pose a severe health threat, their stings can be irritating and unsightly. Indeed they are hard to get rid of. However, you might well be amazed to learn that these tiny insects do have a number of strange yet true facts to know about.
#1 Bed Bugs Can Reside Anywhere
Bed bug might be encountered in houses, apartments, hospitals, college dorm rooms, office buildings, schools, buses, trains, movie theatres, and retail stores, among other places. As per the “Bugs without Borders” research, 89% of pest experts treat bed bug infestations in residences, while 88% handle bed bug infestations in apartments and condos. 67% of respondents say they treat bed bug infestations in hotels/motels, 35% in college dorms, 9% in various means of transport, 5% in laundry facilities, and 4% in movie theatres.
#2 Bedbugs Aren’t Just an Urban Nuisance
Bed bugs are not only found in large cities or in third-world nations, contrary to popular opinion. They can indeed be spotted in every single one of the United States’ 50 states. According to the National Pest Management Association’s “Bed Bugs in America” survey, 17 percent of people in the Northeast, 20% in the Midwest, 20% in the South, and 19% in the West had bed bugs. Moreover, based on variables such as bigger population, apartment dwelling, and growing urbanization, the prevalence of bed bugs in urban regions is 3x greater than in rural areas, allowing bed bugs to migrate and proliferate more rapidly.
#3 Bed Bug Are a Resilient Species
Without a blood meal, these bugs can survive for months. They can spend a long period in furniture, bags, and suitcases before returning to a human host. Bed bugs can also withstand temperatures ranging from near 0 to 122℉. As a result, bed bugs are not an insect that can be eliminated using do-it-yourself approaches. The most effective way to treat an infestation is to hire a professional pest control company like Maple Pest Control, GTA, Ontario.
#4 Bed bug are Evasive
Bed bugs are evasive as a survival mechanism. They know to hide in mattress cracks, bed frames, corners, beneath utility switches, in photo frames, and perhaps even under carpeting throughout the day. However, the co2 human emit urges them out of their hideaway places at night.
#5 Bed Bug are Meticulous
Bed bug maintain a consistent feeding schedule. Whenever a bed bug has found a site, it will consume for 5 to 10 minutes until it is ready to reproduce. Because bites are frequently discovered in a habit, the trend of bed bug feeding is sometimes sarcastically referred to as breakfast, lunch, and supper. The bite marks they leave afterward, which appear in clumps or rows on exposed skin on the chest, arms, and legs, are obvious symptoms of a bed bug infestation.
#6 Bed Bug Might Have an Anesthetic Degree
When a stinging bed bug feasts, many people wonder why it doesn’t wake up its human host. The reason is that bed bugs saliva contains components that serve as anesthetic agents and encourage enhanced blood circulation at the affected site, enabling the feeding process rapid and painless.
What are you waiting for? Call MAPLE PEST CONTROL now and get rid of your Bed Bugs problem as soon as possible.