Bed Bug Extermination: Signs, Process, Benefits, And More

Bed bugs are the most dreaded pest infestation a home or business owner faces on their property. Bed bugs feed on people at night and hide in mattresses, cracks in bed frames, under loose wallpaper, behind picture frames, furniture, and upholstery. Bed bugs are commonly found in areas where you spend your time the most, like box springs, mattresses, bed frames, and couches. Getting rid of bed bugs is crucial as they can make anyone’s life hell. That’s where bed bug extermination plays a crucial role in eliminating these little annoying creatures. If you’re suffering from bed bugs, read this blog to know everything about bed bug removal. 

What Are Bed Bugs?


Bed bugs are small brownish insects that feed on animals and humans while they sleep. These bugs are oval and flat in shape and are annoying as they crawl on your bed and leave bites and rashes on your skin. The young bed bugs appear yellowish or translucent in colour. Bedbugs don’t make nests such as ants or bees, but they live in a group in hiding places. As these bugs don’t fly, they move quickly over floors, walls, and ceilings. 

The Signs Of A Bed Bug Infestation

If you’re still unable to identify the bed bug infestation at your home or office, we will mention reasons that will help you know. Basically, the early sign of bed bug infestation is small, itchy bites on your skin, often on your body. Bed bugs cause extreme itching and marks on the skin that can drive anyone crazy. Here are the top signs to identify bed bug infestation: 

  • Tiny pale yellow eggs
  • Blood sports on the mattress 
  • Bedbug poop, black dots 
  • Shedded skin of bugs that look like bed bugs 
  • Musty order around your bed 

Process Followed By Professionals For Bed Bug Removal

Bug bug is a serious concern that must be resolved before it’s too late. When you hire professional bed bug exterminators, they will mostly use pesticides (pyrethroids) to eradicate bed bugs from your property. This is the most common bed bug removal method used by professionals as it has low toxicity to people, pets, and birds. Also, the pesticide is fast-acting and requires a low dosage to control pests. The professionals will start the process by thoroughly inspecting the area caused by bed bug infestation. After inspection, they will confirm the presence of pest infestation and use safe and effective products to eliminate pests without causing any harm to your pets and family members. 

Benefits Of Using Bed Bug Pesticides 

There are various methods to control bed bugs, such as chemicals, heat treatments, etc., but pesticide is the most effective and safe method to control bed bugs. Let’s check out the benefits of bed bug pesticides that are used by professionals: 

Cost-effective method 

Pyrethroids of pesticide sprays are the most affordable way for bed bug removal. Pesticide is a combination of liquid, powders, and foggers to get the job done. This treatment is much less expensive than steam or heat treatment, which are pretty expensive. Many studies show that the majority of bed bug issues are resistant to pesticides. 

Effective In Controlling Pests In Early Stage

Bed bug removal seems to be difficult for most people, but identifying early bug infestation and controlling it with pesticides is highly beneficial. The pesticide works overnight to protect your property from bed bugs throughout their life stages. 

No Harmful Chemical 

Pyrethrins are used for bed bug removal, which are botanical insecticides that are derived from chrysanthemum flowers. Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals and insecticides which act like pyrethrins. Both these compounds are lethal to bed bugs, which can temporarily flush and kill them out of their places. 

Why Do You Need Professional Bed Bug Extermination?

Bed bug removal is highly crucial to keep your property clean and pest-free. They can transform any property into chaos. That’s why taking strict action against bed bugs is requisite. Getting bed bug removal from professionals can help you control bed bug infestation. Sometimes bed bugs are not visible, and it is difficult to remove them from the home or office, so if you suspect a bed bug problem in your home, you will want to control the spread and get bed bug removal. Hiring a bed bug removal service in Ontario will fix all your problems, leaving a long-lasting impact. 

Since bed bugs easily travel from one place to another through multiple sources such as pillows, mattresses, bed sheets, and people as well, they spread in no time. If you suspect having bed bugs in your home or office, they will continue to spread everywhere if you don’t treat them timely or hire bed bug extermination services. 

Trust Maple Pest Control For Professional Bedbugs Extermination

Maple Pest Control is a renowned bed bug removal company in Ontario. We understand the importance of maintaining the dynamic cleanliness of a beautiful city. At Maple Pest Control, we provide bed bug eradication and pest control services in Toronto for residential and commercial locations to ensure that bed bugs do not affect the area. Since we provide cutting-edge pest control services, you won’t have to worry about bed bugs in your house or office anymore. 

You can live worry-free of inconveniences and diseases caused by pests. Regarding affordability, we provide our clients with cost-effective and long-lasting solutions. Request for a free quote now. 


1- What is the cost of bed bug treatment?

 Ans- The price of bed bug removal treatment may differ depending on a number of variables:

  • Number of professionals employed 
  • Location of your home/office
  • The severity of the bed bug infestation

2- Will pesticide treatment for bed bugs sabotage my home?

 Ans- No, it will not sabotage your home, as the pesticide is a chemical-free and eco-friendly method to eliminate bed bugs from your home. 

3- Will pesticides kill bed bugs?

Ans- No, pesticides do not kill bed bugs. Instead, they cause them to move to another hiding place or temporarily flush them.

4-What should I do if I have bed bugs at home or in the office?

Ans- You should immediately contact professionals, as bed bugs are notoriously difficult to eliminate and require immediate bed bug removal services. 

5- How many pesticide treatments are required for bed bugs?

Ans- Three to four visits or pesticide treatment is sufficient for the bed bugs, as they are drawn and trapped to death during the procedure. 

  • September 7, 2023
  • | Categories: Bed Bug
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