Can Bed Bugs Make You Sick?

Bedbugs are tiny insects that feed on the blood of sleeping beings. Despite the fact that bedbugs are not known to transmit illness, they can pose various public health and economic problems. Bedbugs, which are about the size of an apple seed, hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards, bed frames, and any other things in the vicinity of a bed. If you spend time in areas with a large turnover of nightly guests, such as hotels, hospitals, or homeless shelters, you’re more likely to encounter bedbugs.

Can Bed Bugs Make You Sick?

Effects of Bed Bug Bite

Those who are bitten by bed bugs do not become ill as a result of the bites. They can, however, have a harmful influence on your health. When dealing with bed bugs, a variety of adverse effects and concurrent illnesses may occur. In brief, getting rid of bed bugs can help you prevent current discomfort as well as potential health issues in the future. Even if no disease is transmitted, bed bugs have been shown to have a negative impact on your health. Here’s a quick rundown of the threats that bed bugs pose. A large number of bites over time might result in considerable blood loss and perhaps anemia. Allergies to their droppings and remnants can trigger asthma attacks in persons who are allergic to them. Allergic reactions to bed bug bites might include hives, rashes, itching, and burning. Bites might get infected, creating more complications. A small percentage of individuals experience severe systemic responses, such as difficulty breathing, serious infections, and anaphylaxis.


Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites

Bed bugs bite in groups or lines. It’s tough to tell the difference between a bed bug bite and a flea or mosquito bite. Bite marks from bed bugs appear as red, bloated regions with dark red centres. These markings are a result of the bug’s saliva, which numbs the region while it feeds. An allergic reaction to bed bug bites can induce swelling or hives at the bite site, which is usually caused by continuous scratching. Bed bug bites cause different reactions in different people. Some people get bitten without any red lumps appearing on their skin. This does not rule out the possibility of a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs can also be identified by the presence of feces around the edge of a mattress or luggage, as well as the remnants of white, oval-shaped eggs. The detection of bed bugs in the house, on the other hand, is the most reliable sign of their presence.

Symptoms of Bed Bug Bites

Prevention and Precautions

When you have worries about your health, it is always preferable to seek medical counsel. Bed bugs eat every five to ten days on average, although infestations can spread swiftly. A noticeable rise in bites over time might indicate that your house has been invaded. It might be difficult to detect the presence of bed bugs in a home. A bed insect infestation should be treated as soon as possible. Working with pest control professionals may cut down on the time you spend looking for a solution and keep bed bugs from spreading to other areas of your house.



Bed bugs are not contagious in the same way that illnesses are; some people worry if bed bug bites spread when scratched, but the answer is happily no. If you visit an infected home, hotel, or office, they can hitch a trip home on your clothing or belongings and start a new infestation at your residence. Even the cleanest houses may get infested, so if you suspect you have bed bugs, don’t be afraid to request an examination and treatment. Humans are not directly harmed by bed bugs. Allergies, blood loss, or infection were the underlying causes in the majority of cases when humans were unwell as a result of bed bug bites.

  • October 21, 2022
  • | Categories: Bed Bug
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